Gowhar Ahmad Lone
Education! Well, I won’t echo Mandela’s quote here, as thought-provoking as it may be, it’s remained merely a catalyst for reflection, with little action taken – yet, sound without execution lacks impact. But I digress; our focus remains squarely within the boundaries. Our perception of education often adheres to traditional norms: diligent study, high grades, then employment. One thing is certain, though this perception requires refinement. However, it seems discussions of such modifications are reserved for podiums. This traditional approach has somewhat constrained our thinking, hindering innovation and creativity.
The traditional notion of education has indeed restricted our cognitive abilities, preventing us from exploring realms beyond its confines. Our minds are ensnared, fixated on careers in civil service or medicine, neglecting diverse fields like archaeology, economics, academia, or international organizations. Pursuing careers in medicine or civil service isn’t inherently wrong, but the problem lies in the majority being unaware of their true passions, often succumbing to parental or societal pressure.
Recently, Economist Sanjeev Sanyal has said that people should not waste their time giving the UPSC exam. According to Sanjeev Sanyal, people should give the UPSC or the Union Public Service Commission exam only and only if they really want to be an administrator. In evidence to light it, it’s clear that this mindset needs to be reshaped to unlock the full potential of the 21st century.
Education, originally intended for holistic development, extends beyond academic excellence. When life exposes us to the real world, it demands emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and communication skills, qualities often overshadowed by subject-centric learning unless we venture into the philosophies of advanced and prosperous nations like Japan. The Japanese education system, as noted by Britannica, integrates moral education into its curriculum, steeped in Confucian values, fostering a more comprehensive approach to learning. Here, thanks to the NEP-20 for priortising holistic student development through a multifaceted approach by advocating for a curriculum that integrates various disciplines and encourages experiential learning, fosters critical thinking and practical skills acquisition. Furthermore, its flexible curriculum allows students to pursue their interests, while the integration of vocational education and extracurricular activities ensures a well-rounded educational experience, preparing students for both academic and professional success.
Absolutely, instilling a passion for learning is paramount, both on an individual and national level. When students genuinely love learning, it enriches their cognitive abilities at a psychological level, fostering analytical and logical thinking. It’s crucial for learners to move beyond mere comprehension to actively engage in critical analysis and problem-solving.
Educators play a pivotal role in nurturing this love for learning by igniting curiosity through innovative methods, such as debates. This encourages students to voice their own opinions. Cultivating lifelong learners equips individuals to thrive in an ever-evolving world by preparing them to confront challenges head-on.
It’s widely recognized that education empowers individuals to propel society forward. Nelson Mandela’s words, “Education is a powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” ring true in the context of our era’s scientific and technological advancements, from the invention of the telephone to the emergence of AI. Education serves as the cornerstone of these achievements.
Beyond innovation, however, lies a plethora of challenges in our changing world that demand attention, empathy, and action. This is where the role of an educated individual becomes crucial: promoting social responsibility. Such individuals must possess curiosity and empathy to bridge scientific progress with human welfare. They should actively engage in addressing pressing issues like climate change, demonstrating enthusiasm and raising awareness.
A person with a degree or in the pursuit of education who lacks empathy and social responsibility is failing to uphold their commitment. Disintegrating socio fabric and deteriorating socio ethical values and public apathy and ignorance, such as littering, indicate a misguided understanding of the purpose of education and its broader implications for society.
Educators must now step into their role. In my view, educators bear the responsibility of instilling empathy, love, enthusiasm, and curiosity among students. However, a significant issue pervades educational institutions, one that warrants discussion. Whether in routine presentations or formal ceremonies, students are afforded the opportunity to express themselves, a commendable practice. Yet, what I have noticed is that many students simply regurgitate speeches sourced from the internet, rather than articulating their own perspectives.
To be candid, I have even witnessed some teachers aiding students in finding such topics online, which constitutes perhaps the gravest flaw. When students present these borrowed and detached views on stage, educators often laud them with praise and rewards, rather than providing a platform for them to cultivate their own creativity. This significantly hampers students at a cognitive level and may even lead to failure when they are required to express their own opinions on a given subject. I earnestly implore all educators to confront this issue and guide students away from this misguided path.
In conclusion, the pursuit of education should be imbued with values such as empathy, social responsibility, personal growth, and well-being, rather than merely focusing on competition, grades, or regurgitating borrowed ideas. As Albert Einstein aptly stated, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” Ultimately, education transcends the acquisition of knowledge; it encompasses the impact we make on others and the world around us, shaping both hearts and communities for the better.
The author can reached on: lgkashmir025@gmail.com
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